Taxation Troubles: Common Issues Faced By MSMEs In India

Taxation Troubles: Common Issues Faced By MSMEs In India

MSMEs are a pivotal aspect of the thriving Indian Economy that contribute nearly 33% to the GDP, along with making up for 50% of the country's exports. Being accountable for one-third of India's manufacturing output, the MSME sector in India not only helps eradicate unemployment but also leads to massive employment generation.

In a land as vast and diverse as ours, there are millions of business units—whether micro, small, or medium in size—all facing a common problem: taxation issues. Navigating the intricate web of taxation systems is like steering a small boat through a stormy sea for Indian Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

These businesses, often compared to tiny saplings that have the potential to grow into mighty trunks, face numerous taxation troubles that are as diverse and complex as the colors of the Indian landscape.

Imagine, you own a small textile workshop nestled in the heart of Varanasi, a city known for its exquisite silk fabrics. Your workshop employs skilled artisans who painstakingly craft intricate sarees. But amidst the clattering looms and colorful threads, you find yourself entangled in the GST web.

The complexity of this tax can be overwhelming. Calculating tax liabilities on the sale of each saree, managing input tax credits for the raw materials, and filing accurate returns become a herculean task. This picturesque workshop, which should be focused on preserving the rich heritage of Indian textiles, instead finds itself navigating the labyrinth of taxation. But worry no more, as we have the right solution for you at the end of this blog. Keep reading to find out.

  1. Multi-Tax Problems: The Indian taxation landscape resembles a complex mosaic of taxes and duties. MSMEs must tiptoe through the minefield of multiple taxes, including the Goods and Services Tax (GST), income tax, excise duty, customs duty, and more. Each tax comes bearing its own rulebook, its unique rate structure, and a different set of compliance obligations. The result? A puzzling maze of tax jargon that often leaves business owners scratching their heads.
  2. GST Dilemma: While the introduction of GST aimed to simplify taxation for businesses as a unified system, it paradoxically added a layer of complexity. Filing GST returns, managing input tax credits, and deciphering intricate tax slabs can seem like an adventure into the unknown for MSMEs in India. Meeting the requirements of GST can be a real challenge, similar to decoding the secret ingredients in a happy family recipe.
  3. Strained Resources: Most MSMEs operate with limited resources, both human and financial. Navigating the complexity of tax compliance, record-keeping, and the preparation of meticulous financial statements can divert precious time and resources away from the very essence of their business.
  4. Tax Tangles: Effective tax planning is the golden ticket to reducing a business's tax liability legally. However, most MSMEs struggle with untangling the threads of tax laws, often leading to missed opportunities for tax savings. Without proper help or support, these businesses often fail to avail a lot of benefits and thereby end up losing without knowledge of it.
  5. Regulatory Rollercoaster: The ever-shifting sands of tax regulations can be unnerving for MSMEs. Keeping up with the constantly changing tax laws requires vigilance, adding yet another burden to the shoulders of small businesses. To that end, small business owners often find it burdensome to deal with these issues, detracting from their time and focus.

What Steps Should MSMEs Take To Tackle Tax Troubles?

In India, higher education qualification or an MBA degree is not a prerequisite to run a profitable business. A vast number of successful business ventures are carried out by entrepreneurs who might have only basic graduation degrees, and that's absolutely fine. An entrepreneur requires skills such as head-strong determination, time management, self-confidence, accountability, analytical abilities, leadership, decision-making, effective communication, and productivity to run a hassle-free business. Moreover, education alone may not necessarily instill these qualities in an individual.

Let us suppose, Mr. Vijay Agarwal, who hails from the small town of Ujjain, runs a successful business of furniture manufacturing in the Delhi NCR. People are aware of his name and he has a wide network of friendly business relationships as well. In such an instance, does anyone care if he has just simply graduated and doesn't hold an MBA degree? No, right?

India is teeming with such entrepreneurs who excel at their jobs. Thus, it's not right to judge a book by its cover, is it? Imposing tax troubles on these individuals can be even more detrimental, causing unnecessary headaches and distractions. So who's going to take up this task for these businesses?

This is where Acehours steps in. Amidst these taxation challenges, MSMEs in India require a trustworthy ally to guide them through the intricate realm of taxes. Acehours emerges as a beacon of hope for these businesses, providing them with comprehensive solutions to ease the hectic taxation process. Let us find out how.

  1. Simplified Tax Compliance: Acehours simplifies the entire tax compliance process. Its user-friendly interface allows MSMEs to easily input their financial data, and the platform takes care of the rest. From calculating tax liabilities to generating and filing accurate returns, Acehours streamlines the entire process.
  2. GST Made Easy: GST compliance is a breeze with Acehours. The platform automates the preparation of GST returns, reducing the risk of errors. It also helps businesses manage input tax credits, ensuring they can claim every rupee they're entitled to.
  3. Resource Optimization: With Acehours, MSMEs can optimize their resources by minimizing the time and effort spent on tax compliance. This means businesses can focus on their core activities, improving productivity and profitability.
  4. Expert Tax Planning: Acehours doesn't just handle compliance; it also offers expert tax planning services. By analyzing a company's financial data, Acehours helps businesses legally minimize their tax liability, saving them money in the long run.
  5. Regulatory Updates: Acehours keeps its users informed about changes in tax regulations. The platform automatically updates its features and ensures that the businesses using it remain compliant with the latest tax laws.


In the ever-evolving landscape of Indian taxation, having a trustworthy companion is invaluable. Acehours, your trusted business partner, is here to empower Indian MSMEs by providing them with all they need to not only survive but thrive in the complex world of business. With our assistance, taxation challenges are converted into growth opportunities, ensuring the robustness and resilience of the Indian economy's backbone. So, don't worry. Allow us to guide you on a smooth and hassle-free business journey.

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